We are all about EDUCATION!
The mission of Metro Atlanta EMS Conference, Inc. (MAEMSC) is to provide cutting-edge emergency medical training to the response community for minimal cost. Our goal is to improve patient outcomes and survival by promoting best practices through providing the highest quality training in the region from nationally known physicians, speakers, and local EMS professionals.
The MAEMSC is a non-profit 100% volunteer organization. No individuals or companies profit directly from the conference. The cost of registration helps offset the cost of the venue, speaker travel and per-diem, and administrative costs that are not covered through financial support from our conference partners.
The conference works to improve patient care and outcomes by bringing together emergency medical service providers. Our goal is One Team, working seamlessly from first patient contact by the fire department or ambulance provider through patient transport and definitive care from hospital emergency care and trauma treatment centers.
We welcome corporate partners, physicians, nurses, educators, and responders who share our vision to join us in continuing to make this goal a reality.